Keyword Index


  • Abha dialect Changes in conjunction usage in Abha Arabic dialect: A sociolinguistic study [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-36]
  • Al The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • Al-Azhar Mosque Al-Shawam Gallery in Al-Azhar Mosque in the Era of Al-Jarakisa Mamluk State (784- 923H/ 1517- 1382CE) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-45]
  • Al-Jarakisa Mamluk Al-Shawam Gallery in Al-Azhar Mosque in the Era of Al-Jarakisa Mamluk State (784- 923H/ 1517- 1382CE) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-45]
  • Al-Kitāb Existence of the Arab Woman in Classical Syntax: Sebawayh's Al-Kitāb as a Model [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-34]
  • Al-Shawam gallery Al-Shawam Gallery in Al-Azhar Mosque in the Era of Al-Jarakisa Mamluk State (784- 923H/ 1517- 1382CE) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-45]
  • Althusser Althusser’s Theory of Ideology and Puig’s Kiss of the Spider Woman [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-11]
  • Arab The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • Arabic Political System Contemporary Reforms in the Arabic System: Roots, Causes and Modern State-Building Challenges [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-44]
  • Arabic Political Thought Contemporary Reforms in the Arabic System: Roots, Causes and Modern State-Building Challenges [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-44]
  • Arab Nationalism The Policy of the Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki) Towards the Arabs During the Ottoman Coup [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-52]
  • Arab poetesses Existence of the Arab Woman in Classical Syntax: Sebawayh's Al-Kitāb as a Model [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-34]
  • Arab political discourse The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • Arab Spring uprising Contemporary Reforms in the Arabic System: Roots, Causes and Modern State-Building Challenges [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-44]
  • Arab Woman Existence of the Arab Woman in Classical Syntax: Sebawayh's Al-Kitāb as a Model [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-34]
  • Argumentation Argumentation in The Epistle of St. Pelagia:  Analytical Reading of the Ethiopic Text [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-49]
  • Authority of Criticism Title: Linguistic Intelligence, Authority of Literary Criticism and their Impact on Poetic Experience [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-41]
  • Ayyubid Customs and Traditions in the Levant during the Ayyoubi and Mamlouki Times as mentioned in the Arab Muslim Travelers' and Geographers' sources(1174-1516 AD/ 570-923 H). [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 171-218]


  • Beatrix Potter Aspects of Multimodality in Children’s Literature: Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit as an Example [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]
  • Body language Linguistic coherence and body language in the sermons of the Umayyad and Abbasid [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-38]
  • Building a Critical association linguistic thinking Building a Critical association linguistic thinking scale of under graduate students in English Language and its Literature students in Jordan [Volume 79, عدد یولیه علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-20]


  • Christians Customs and Traditions in the Levant during the Ayyoubi and Mamlouki Times as mentioned in the Arab Muslim Travelers' and Geographers' sources(1174-1516 AD/ 570-923 H). [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 171-218]
  • Commendation Research Title: The Aspects of Goodness in Grammatical Permissibility. [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-54]


  • Doctor The Magician doctor in Egypt and Africa during prehistoric times [Volume 79, عدد یولیه علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-34]


  • Ethiopic Literature Argumentation in The Epistle of St. Pelagia:  Analytical Reading of the Ethiopic Text [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-49]
  • Explanation of ashmouni Determination on of grammar in grammatical controversy at ashmouni Hearing and measurment model) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]


  • Fanaticism Psychological Security and its Relationship with Some Psychological Variables in a Sample of Students of Kuwait University [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-37]
  • Français Les activités ludiques au service de l’enseignement/apprentissage du français [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-30]


  • Gaza Strip Jordan’s Political and Public Response towards Israeli Invasion on Gaza Strip in 2008 “AD-Dustour Daily Jordanian Newspaper as a case Study” [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-55]
  • Goodness  Research Title: The Aspects of Goodness in Grammatical Permissibility. [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-54]
  • Grammar controversy.   Determination on of grammar in grammatical controversy at ashmouni Hearing and measurment model) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]
  • Grammar report Determination on of grammar in grammatical controversy at ashmouni Hearing and measurment model) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]


  • Habeeb Burqueibah The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • Hassan Hijab al-Hazmi Poetic narrative in the stories of Hassan Hijab Hazmi [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-44]


  • Impulsivity Personality Psychological Security and its Relationship with Some Psychological Variables in a Sample of Students of Kuwait University [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-37]
  • International education International education and cultural identity crisis An Evaluation study for American high school education program in Egypt [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-57]
  • International relations Reciprocal Influence Between International System Structure and Superpowers’ Policies: The Administration of President George Bush, Jr. as a Model [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 101-170]
  • Israeli conflict The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • Israeli Invasion Jordan’s Political and Public Response towards Israeli Invasion on Gaza Strip in 2008 “AD-Dustour Daily Jordanian Newspaper as a case Study” [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-55]


  • Jerusalem of Gold The standing of Jerusalem in the Jewish conscience -The poem of “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer, Case Study [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-38]
  • Judaization of Jerusalem The standing of Jerusalem in the Jewish conscience -The poem of “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer, Case Study [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-38]


  • Key Words: children’s literature Aspects of Multimodality in Children’s Literature: Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit as an Example [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]
  • Keywords: exophoric Problematic Cases of Exophoric/Endophoric Reference in Two Modern-phrased Translations of the Qur’anic Text with Particular Reference to Dummy/Impersonal Pronouns [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-29]
  • Kiss of the Spider Woman Althusser’s Theory of Ideology and Puig’s Kiss of the Spider Woman [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-11]


  • Levant Customs and Traditions in the Levant during the Ayyoubi and Mamlouki Times as mentioned in the Arab Muslim Travelers' and Geographers' sources(1174-1516 AD/ 570-923 H). [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 171-218]
  • Literary Criticism Title: Linguistic Intelligence, Authority of Literary Criticism and their Impact on Poetic Experience [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-41]


  • Mamalik Customs and Traditions in the Levant during the Ayyoubi and Mamlouki Times as mentioned in the Arab Muslim Travelers' and Geographers' sources(1174-1516 AD/ 570-923 H). [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 171-218]
  • Manual Puig Althusser’s Theory of Ideology and Puig’s Kiss of the Spider Woman [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-11]
  • Model of Extended Lexical Unit The Model of Extended Lexical Unit: a corpus-based investigation of IDEOLOGY meaning [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-52]
  • Modern Hebrew Poetry The standing of Jerusalem in the Jewish conscience -The poem of “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer, Case Study [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-38]
  • Monodrama Filling Gaps The Reader of Harold Pinter's 'Monologue' [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-14]
  • Muslims Customs and Traditions in the Levant during the Ayyoubi and Mamlouki Times as mentioned in the Arab Muslim Travelers' and Geographers' sources(1174-1516 AD/ 570-923 H). [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 171-218]


  • Naomi Shemer The standing of Jerusalem in the Jewish conscience -The poem of “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer, Case Study [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-38]
  • Neo- Conservatism Reciprocal Influence Between International System Structure and Superpowers’ Policies: The Administration of President George Bush, Jr. as a Model [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 101-170]
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming Verbal Repetition in Neuro-Linguistic Programming with Special Reference to the Political Speeches of Egyptian and American Leaders [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-33]
  • Neuroticism Psychological Security and its Relationship with Some Psychological Variables in a Sample of Students of Kuwait University [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-37]
  • New World Order Reciprocal Influence Between International System Structure and Superpowers’ Policies: The Administration of President George Bush, Jr. as a Model [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 101-170]


  • Palestinian issue The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • Permissibility Research Title: The Aspects of Goodness in Grammatical Permissibility. [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-54]
  • Peter Rabbit Aspects of Multimodality in Children’s Literature: Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit as an Example [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]
  • Poetry Poetic narrative in the stories of Hassan Hijab Hazmi [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-44]


  • Qur’anic translations Problematic Cases of Exophoric/Endophoric Reference in Two Modern-phrased Translations of the Qur’anic Text with Particular Reference to Dummy/Impersonal Pronouns [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-29]


  • Reader-response criticism Filling Gaps The Reader of Harold Pinter's 'Monologue' [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-14]
  • References of the report Determination on of grammar in grammatical controversy at ashmouni Hearing and measurment model) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]
  • Reproductive culture Return Migration and Restructuring of Reproductive Culture: A Field Study of Returnees From Western Societies [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-63]
  • Royal Palace Jordan’s Political and Public Response towards Israeli Invasion on Gaza Strip in 2008 “AD-Dustour Daily Jordanian Newspaper as a case Study” [Volume 79, عدد ابریل لغة, , Pages 1-55]


  • Sībawayh Existence of the Arab Woman in Classical Syntax: Sebawayh's Al-Kitāb as a Model [Volume 79, عدد یولیه لغة, , Pages 1-34]
  • Social Context Social significance of the metaphor [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-40]
  • Students Building a Critical association linguistic thinking scale of under graduate students in English Language and its Literature students in Jordan [Volume 79, عدد یولیه علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-20]
  • Style Argumentation in The Epistle of St. Pelagia:  Analytical Reading of the Ethiopic Text [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-49]
  • Surgery The Magician doctor in Egypt and Africa during prehistoric times [Volume 79, عدد یولیه علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-34]


  • Terms of references Determination on of grammar in grammatical controversy at ashmouni Hearing and measurment model) [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر لغة 2019, , Pages 1-32]
  • The Ethiopic Epistle of St. Pelagia Argumentation in The Epistle of St. Pelagia:  Analytical Reading of the Ethiopic Text [Volume 79, عدد ینایر لغة, , Pages 1-49]
  • The Habitus International education and cultural identity crisis An Evaluation study for American high school education program in Egypt [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-57]
  • The Ottoman Empire The Policy of the Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki) Towards the Arabs During the Ottoman Coup [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-52]
  • The Palestine Liberation Organization The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • The Social relation of the Pedagogical Communication International education and cultural identity crisis An Evaluation study for American high school education program in Egypt [Volume 79, عدد ابریل علوم اجتماعیه, , Pages 1-57]
  • Turanism The Policy of the Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki) Towards the Arabs During the Ottoman Coup [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-52]


  • Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki) The Policy of the Union and Progress (İttihad ve Terakki) Towards the Arabs During the Ottoman Coup [Volume 79, عدد اکتوبر علوم اجتماعیة 2019, , Pages 1-52]
  • United Nation’s resolutions about the Palestinian case The President Burqeibah’s Project for resolving the Palestinian Issue 1965-1969 and the reactions through Palestinian-Arabic documents. [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 219-254]
  • US foreign policy Reciprocal Influence Between International System Structure and Superpowers’ Policies: The Administration of President George Bush, Jr. as a Model [Volume 79, عدد ینایر علوم اجتماعیة, , Pages 101-170]