Argumentation in The Epistle of St. Pelagia:  Analytical Reading of the Ethiopic Text


Department of Oriental Languages ​​- Faculty of Arts - Cairo University


This research aims to identify the Style of Argumentation Dialogism in the Ethiopic Epistle of St. Pilagia, through the Argumentation analysis of the Ethiopic text and the extraction of the most important characteristics, methods, Particles and mechanisms, which contributed to the style of strong Argumentation to the Ethiopic Epistle. This study also attempts to recognize the vision and purpose of the Ethiopian writer along with clarifying the status of this saint and her role in the Ethiopic text.
The focus of research is divided into the following aspects: first, a theoretical study investigating the definition of St. Pelagia, its religious status and the content of the its epistle. The second aspect is the definition of Argumentation, its style, and the kind of Argumentation utilized by the narrator in the Ethiopic text through the dialogue and speech of st. Paul, who is the principal charchter in the Epistle, to the people of the city, including Pelagia. Finally, an applied study on the Ethiopic text will be included through examining the methods of Argumentation in the Ethiopic text and the form of the text. This paper concludes with the main results of the study and a list of sources and references.


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