International education and cultural identity crisis An Evaluation study for American high school education program in Egypt


Sociology teacher - Higher Institute for Literary Studies, King Mariout


Abstract: International schools that cultural imprint of their original countries have outgrown in number lately they hold different cultural identity from the Arabic culture in general and from the Egyptian culture in particular.
This study aims to emphasize on the cultural identity crisis of the international education system through evaluating American high school education in Egypt. The study relies on cultural capital theory by B.Pierre’s.
The main results indicated that American curricula  in general and social studies curricula in particular do not emphasize on  Arabic cultural identity as students rarely  speak in Arabic and show on increased tendency  to immigration.
The study presents several recommendations directed to the ministry of education, which may help in decreasing the cultural identity crisis for the students of International education. The study recommends; improving Arabic language books and social studies books in shape and content to be equivalent to other foreign books. School principal should be Egyptian, from Egyptian parents, and has no foreign origins. Providing conducting courses on a regular basis for Arabic language, social studies, and national education teacher, explaining their role in developing Arabic identity.
