Building a Critical association linguistic thinking scale of under graduate students in English Language and its Literature students in Jordan


1 Assistant Professor/ Educational Psychology, Princess Alia University College/ Al Balqa Applied University

2 Assistant Professor / English Literature / Princess Alia University College / Al Balqa Applied University


 Building a Critical association linguistic thinking scale of undergraduate students in English Language and Literature in Jordan. The study aimed to building a critical association linguistic thinking scale, it is applied to a sample of (266) students of English Language and its Literature at Princess Alia University College. To achieve the purposes of the study a specific scale has been established to measure the critical association linguistic thinking, and through which indications for honesty and stability have been extracted. And then, the factor analysis is used to approach the sub-components which are the definition, to identify the hypothesis, the explanation, analysis, summary, self- organization and argument presentation. These components demonstrate 26.23% of the differences among students in a critical association linguistic thinking scale.
