The standing of Jerusalem in the Jewish conscience -The poem of “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer, Case Study



The present study attempts to reveal the racist situations of Jewish toward the city of Jerusalem and its original Arab inhabitants through analyzing the poet of “Jerusalem of Gold” by Naomi Shemer.  also, the study seeks to explore the standing of Jerusalem in Modern Hebrew Poetry and in the current Jewish ideology where the Israel’s aggressive Judaization attitudes against Arab are strongly presented in the Israeli community.
The study attempts to clarify the offensives actions against the city of Jerusalem to turn it to a purely Jewish city by changing and manipulating the historical and demographic realities of Jerusalem. The study tries to highlight the ways by which the poet tries to hide and manipulate the historical facts using wordplay and other devices to emphasize the place and the status of Jerusalem in the Jewish and Zionist thoughts.
 “Jerusalem of Gold” had great nationalism standing at public and critical level in the Jewish society. It where very close to be the national anthem of Israel. It is one of the first enthusiastic poems by Naomi Shemer that reflected the Israeli prospective toward Jerusalem by stating that it is t purely and non-dividable Jewish city. It is the hymn of Israeli people in their public, political, and national festivals


Main Subjects