Title: Linguistic Intelligence, Authority of Literary Criticism and their Impact on Poetic Experience


1 Associate Professor of Literature and Criticism Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts and Sciences, Al-Rass, Qassim University

2 Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology Department of Basic Education, College of Arts and Sciences, Al-Rass, Qassim University Department of Educational Psychology - Faculty of Education in Cairo - Al-Azhar University


Poetic experience is a complex creative process, the interpretation of which is still difficult, however this has not prevented searching for its two pillars (namely; linguistic intelligence and authority of literary criticism), and following up their impacts on it. The significance of this research is represented in the attempt to explore the relationship between the two pillars and their impact on poetic experience; starting form literary criticism and psychology, and in consistency with the contemporary research trends that focus on the unity and integration of knowledge. In order to answer the questions and achieve its goal, the research utilized the descriptive method, including an introduction, and two parts; a theoretical part that addressed the critical sayings that were concerned with that relationship and a practical one that dealt with procedures and testing hypothesis according to statistical analysis. The sample, in its final form, consisted of (34) of Gulf poets. Three instruments (prepared by the two authors) were used; Linguistic Intelligence Scale, Literary Criticism Authority Scale, and Poetic Experience Scale.  The research concluded, after statistical analysis of data, that no poetic experiences can depend on one factor only, away from the other. The research found that the authority of literary criticism does not obstruct, nor slow down the creative process, rather it establishes an essential balance. The findings indicated the predictability of poetic experience by knowing the level of a poet’s linguistic intelligence and the degree of literary criticism authority impact on him. With respect to the poetic experiences of the Arab Gulf poets, the research found that the authority of literary criticism has an influence, more than that of linguistic intelligence, on the poetic experiences, however it has not been weakened by any sources of the critical mental ability that enlightens the way of creativity.


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