La narration transmédia : nouveau mode de narration

Document Type : Original Article


French departement, faculty of arts, university of Menoufia


Transmedia storytelling, also known as transmedia storytelling, is a term that originated in the United States in the early 2000s, known as Transmedia Storytelling. It describes the combined use of several media (Internet, television, cinema, mobile phone, radio, publishers, tablets, events, video games, etc.) to develop coherent, immersive and participatory fictional universes, called franchises. Through the study of the transmedia narrative Le visiteur du futur by François Descraques, this work explores how the diversity of media can be exploited to present an enriched, immersive and participatory narrative universe, by highlighting the transmedia strategies that the producers of this universe develop through the various media platforms. We examine how this mode of narration creates a phenomenon of virality in which each media or medium of transmedia history can itself become a narrative agent, developing and enriching the work. A reflection on the impact of transmedia narration on literature and culture will also be conducted. Finally, we highlight the interactive aspect of this practice as well as its specificity and potential to become the most widespread type of storytelling in the future.


Main Subjects