Brief Analysis of Chinese Cyber Novel

Document Type : Original Article


After the Internet has been integrated into our lives, the way we study, work, even our lifestyle, completely changed. The combination of network media technology and literature during the second half of the last century set off a new literary revolution. Writing on the Internet using keyboard and scrolling using the mouse, using hypertext and multimedia to create literature that can only be seen on the Internet were the result of such a revolution. Currently, we have all various kinds of cyber novels, such as hypertext novels, multimedia novels, Internet Solitaire novels, Internet interactive novels, and Internet Game novels, short message novels, etc. The story theme and plot mode of cyber novels classify novels to fantasy, urban, military, history, romance, science fiction, and thriller, etc. which are considered the most common types of online novels. Meanwhile, Cyber novels have undergone major changes in narrative structure, narrative context, and narrative media.


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