The influence of the Christian right in the administration of President George W. Bush (2000-2008)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Kuwait University, College of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, State of Kuwait


This research focuses on studying the influence of the Christian right in the administration of US President George W. Bush (2000-2008).
The research aims to answer key questions, the most important of which are: What is the Christian Right in the United States of America? What are the most important organizations and ideas?
Does the Christian right have an impact on American politics in general and on the policy of the George W. Bush administration in particular? And how ath r right
Christian in the domestic and foreign policy of the George W. Bush administration? What are the most important factors behind the influence of the Christian right in politics?
Domestic and foreign administration of George W. Bush? The research used the descriptive analytical approach and the case study method to answer these questions
questions. The research reached major results, the most important of which are: The Christian right has influence and influence in American politics in general and in the politics of

Specifically, the Bush Jr. administration. The Christian right also had an impact on the local politics of the Bush Jr. administration, especially with regard to issues
Abortion, homosexuality, social programs, and the relationship between the church and the state. While the influence of the Christian right in foreign policy
For the Bush Jr. administration, it is focused on major foreign issues, the most important of which is related to supporting Israel in the Middle East region from religious grounds.
And what is related to the war on terrorism after the events of September 11, as well as withdrawal from international agreements such as the Kyoto Convention and the Court
international criminal. On the other hand, the research concluded that the influence of the Christian right in the Bush Jr. administration is due to major factors



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