Museums of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, during the period from 1949 to 1970

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Documents, Department of Libraries, Documents and Information And the director of the electronic memory unit Faculty of Arts - Cairo University


This work presents a study on the museums of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University during the period from 1949 to 1970 based on the documents of one of the subject files entitled "The Faculty Museums" which are kept in the archives of the Faculty of Arts and in the electronic memory unit of the faculty. These museums were part of the history of the Faculty of Arts and were based in the building annexed to the faculty located in Al-Ramaha Square.

A set of tables were attached to the study that show lists of artifacts sent to the college administration, whether to buy them from antique dealers or donated to museums, as well as tables that monitor the specifications of the pieces sent as permanent loan from the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities in the college to the Egyptian embassy in Washington in 1950. The study concludes with a group of Paintings are samples of study documents. The study recommends more attention to studies documenting the history of our educational and cultural institutions.
The Museum of Prehistoric Antiquities and the Museum of Sudanese Studies, and the findings of the study in the statement of the methods used by the college administration to provide these museums with artifacts from the sites of the excavations of the college and through the purchase from the holdings of Dr. Ali Ibrahim Pasha and from antique dealers and through donations. The study also includes a statement listing the college's holdings of photographs of architecture and art masterpieces, explaining the contributions of the Museums of the College of Arts in lending some of their holdings of artifacts inside and outside Egypt, and their educational role in society.

Main Subjects