Stylistic Study of Arabic Poetry: AbaeedIbn Al-Abras’ Muallaqa Prepared by:


1 is a researcher

2 Faculty of Arts - Damascus University


This paper aims to approach a classical poem, namely Abeed ibn Al-Abras’ muallaqa, from a modern stylistic point of view at the levels of grammar and meaning in addition to the critical and rhetorical aspects. The research raises a number of questions, including:

- Why is the poem considered among the Muallaqat despite rhyming faults? What distinguishes this Muallaqa from other Muallaqat, especially in terms of morphological and semantic aspects?
- Did Abeed ibn Al-Abras succeed in employing the different rhetorical devices in his poem? What effect does that have on the recipient?

- Is it possible to apply modern stylistic studies to classical texts? If yes, what added value can we get out of such application?
The paper will attempt to answer these and other questions, leaving some others open for other researchers to address in the future

Main Subjects