Travel Discourse in "Kitab Al-I'tibar" (Arabic: كتاب الاعتبار, The Book of Learning by Example) for Usama ibn-Munqidh (d. 1188 A.D)


1 Researcher, PhD, College of Languages ​​and Translation, University of Jeddah

2 Professor, Department of Arabic Language, College of Languages ​​and Translation, University of Jeddah


Discourse is a communication unit, in which the sentences are organized in a specific format produced by speaker (interlocutor) and transmitted to the addressee (listener) in accordance with specific purposes and references which the discourse revolves around acquiring from these objectives definition or personalization. Accordingly, the discourses varied, and the contents and subjects varied as well its methods and teaching curricula including Travel Discourse which is defined as: the process of articulating the act of the journey itself, where the explorer traveler depicts the visited places. The place is a key element in this discourse; it is the purpose and aim of the journey itself, and a major part of it; affects the traveler and is affected by it.
The study handled Kitab Al-I'tibar (Arabic: كتاب الاعتبار‎, The Book of Learning by Example) for Usama ibn-Munqidh (584 A.H), shedding light on Travel Discourse in this book as it is considered the first book in travel autobiography and became the fertile source for anyone who studies travel discourse. Travel Discourse in this book represented in the focus of interlocutor on describing his trips and journeys, and monitoring his observations about them providing a living document for the relationship between East and West, and a picture of the process of acculturation among peoples and portraying their lives. The book included more than Eighty Three journeys in which he traveled to many destinations witnessing varied views and visions, making it a fertile source to study Travel Discourse.
As a result of Usama ibn-Munqidh voyages and journeys to various destinations, he comes out in his Travel Discourse from the borders of the place to the wide space, as the space is just the total places and their varied implications. Based on the above, the title of the study is: Travel Discourse in "Kitab Al-I'tibar" (Arabic: كتاب الاعتبار, The Book of Learning by Example) for Usama ibn-Munqidh (d. 1188 A.D)"

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