Using the advocacy approach in community organizing To achieve social justice in Kuwaiti society


Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work, specializing in community organization


 The present study aimed at determining the use of the advocacy approach in the community organizing method to achieve social justice in the Kuwaiti society. The results showed that the NGOs use the advocacy approach to achieve social justice. The results of the study reported a statistically significant relationship (0.01) Among the activities and programs used in the advocacy approach in the civil societies and the achievement of social justice in the Kuwaiti society, and the most activities and programs used in the advocacy approach in the civil associations in connection with the achievement of social justice in the Kuwaiti society The activities and advocacy programs, then the activities and cultural programs, followed by the activities and educational programs, and finally the social activities and programs . The results also showed that the contributions of social justice to the success of the advocacy  approach in the civil associations reached high rates, Equality was first, followed by justice and finally after equality of opportunity, and the results of the study showed that NGOs use the most influential strategies such as the strategy of lobbying the legislature to amend policies, In addition to using the Alliance's strategy to build community support towards the issues of beneficiaries in the society, as well as using the strategy of advocacy the right groups by organizing their efforts. The results also pointed to the most important tactics used by NGOs and help in achieving social justice are working directly with officials, professionals and citizens to reach common solutions to achieve social justice, in addition to open and ongoing communication with all concerned parties to participate in the decision-making process to approve the professional cadre for the staff . The results also revealed the most important tools used in the introduction of advocacy that help in the achievement of social justice and were represented in seminars for intellectual exchange that highlight the equal opportunities of the members of society, as well as meet legislators to enact new legislation or amend them to achieve social justice among the members of society, And the results indicate that the obstacles that limit the effectiveness of the entrance of the defenders in the civil societies to achieve social justice is the urgency of the results of advocacy to achieve social justice, as well as the constraints that occupied the first rank, And the lack of appreciation of officials for the importance of advocacy dialogues and their response to participation in them, and on the identification of proposals that support the advocacy approach to achieve social justice in the Kuwaiti society . The results indicated the need to raise awareness of the importance of advocacy the pressing social issues, contribute to the achievement of social justice, and also from the proposals that occupied the first salary was the interest in the use of various media to disseminate the issues of advocacy to achieve social justice, and the most important proposals to establish training and rehabilitation courses for the members of the association in the field of advocacy to achieve social justice .

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