The structure of the actors in the novel The Earth Weeps, Saturn Laughs, a Semiotic Approach


College of Arts, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This research aims to study the characters in novel discourse theory .  This issue has always been the focus of the narrative studies especially in semiotic theory .In Greimas approach, the character  
Is defined through his actancial and thematic role .we intend to study the characters in the novel of Abdul-Aziz AL Farsi , an Omani novelist ' earth weeps, Saturn laughs " where we proceed first by analyzing the figurative path for each character , then we discuss the actancial role and the relation between the evolution of episodes and the situation of the characters and finally we can draw the deep structure . we tried to study each character separately in its semiotic sphere to elucidate clearly the purpose of this approach .  




Main Subjects