Rhythm and its relationship to conflict in poetic theater are various models


Lecturer -Faculty of Arts, Cairo University


This paper attempted to examine the relations among rhythm, conflict and dialogue in poetic play (verse drama). It based on a hypothesis that rhythm can play a major role in the conflict emerging between the characters of the Poetic play and can highlight the hidden meanings and connotations of dialogue, on other hand; it tends to add new dimensions to conflict.
To testify this hypothesis we chose a number of scenes from poetic plays representing different theatrical and Poetic schools; the basis of choice of these scenes, on the one hand, was the intensification of the conflict - whatever its kind- on the other hand, the intuition of the role of rhythm as one of the most important aspects of the text structure of a poetic play.
The paper chose to focus its discussion on the quantitative element of rhythm, because it is the most prominent rhythmic element in a poetic play, in the first place, and investigating the qualitative elements - which did not be neglected totally in this paper- needs more space and a comprehensive view beyond the scope here.  
The paper presented a number of examples that reveal the extent to which the rhythm can play a significant role in the poetic play. It concluded that rhythm can highlight a conflict in the theatrical work, add a number of meanings and connotations, show audience the feelings and emotions in auditory form and do many other roles. This issue still to be a fertile soil needs more research interest.  

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