A field study on a sample of Students People at Suez Canal University


 Studying the state of the Egyptian culture in the last decades reveals its exposure to multiple variables that led to its collapse, making the interaction in many fields not directed towards effective and powerful cultural trends. Such situation cannot be conducive to establish a proper youth culture responsible for connecting this group with the society progress, which led to random formation of the youth culture which affects their belonging and binding to the community. These new cultures are progressively emerging especially with the progressive easy worldwide communication using the high technology.
The youth culture is totally different from their parents, Young people have their own values ​​and attitudes and patterns of behavior which differs from the common analogues in the dominant culture in their society, so this study is trying to answer the following question: What are the features of change that happened to the Egyptian youth culture?
The study relied on social survey method, the study was applied on a sample of (380) students from Suez Canal university, in addition to the focus group, which contained five parents and five offspring's.
The study concluded the increasing tendency of young people towards consumption over savings, where they are looking to the consumption as a target regardless of their actual needs. In this age of technological revolution and the growing appetite of young people on the acquisition of electronic devices, especially mobile phones, with the growing of advertisements which support the community consumption and spread this culture between different classes. Dissemination of consumption culture among different society classes represents one of the mechanisms of domination imposed on traditional societies, where the middle and lower income classes has a growing desire to emulate the high income class in consumption. The media increases its impact on the youth and showed more influence on them lead to more and more control.

Main Subjects