Argumentative means in the sermons of disagreement with Imam Ali (may God be pleased with him), may God honor his face


1 (Master of Language and Grammar) (teacher at the Jordanian Ministry of Education)

2 (Yarmouk University / Department of Arabic Language). Irbid - Jordan.


The theory of argumentation is one of the most important contemporary theories, and it became a noticeable topic that –innumerable- studies, researches and books studies and analyzed it, so that led to prospering the argumentative lesson, which evolved into both theoretical and procedural level. The term argumentation has rooted in history, where its first appearance was in Greek rhetoric in Plato and Aristotle, and then it appeared in contemporary studies. Also the earlier Arab scholars were aware of this rhetorical pattern in their writings and studies, as shown in the books, beliefs, speeches and Debates.
 The research examines the theory of argumentation in the old and the new Arab thought, and it focuses on the genesis of the theory of argumentation, so the research addressed the bases and the hypotheses of the argumentation theory in the Arab thought with standing on the contributions and theoretical achievements and applied ones for a number of learners who have a clear imprint in developing the argumentative theory.

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