Concept formation and problem solving and their relationship to long-term memory in a sample of distracting attention people with learning difficulties and normal


Department of Psychology, College of Social Sciences, Kuwait University


This study aims at detecting the relationship between the concept formation, problem solving and long-term memory in a sample of distracting attention people with learning difficulties and normal, the study sample consisted of 300 pupils and female students (N=300) by (150 distracting attention people with learning difficulties and 150 of normal people) with an average age of (10,05±2,18) years. Learning difficulties scale and distractions and solve problems scale, and concept formation and long-term memory were applied, and the results of the study demonstrated the existence of positive correlation between long-term memory, problem solving and the concept formation in children with distracting attention and learning difficulties, and noted the presence of significant differences between the average scores of students with distracting attention with learning difficulties and the average scores of students without disabilities in solving problems, concept formation and long-term memory in the direction of normal people.
