The poetic discourse in the seventies, Rifaat Salam as an example




The term (discourse) is one of the most frequently used terms among contemporary Arab critics as a result of their contact with global monetary currents, and their desire to transcend traditional concepts. All cultural and critical theories have a severe interpretive difficulty in determining the concept of discourse” (), and the difficulty in defining this term is due to several things, including:

A- The first is represented by the most frequent and diverse cultural practices, which work to transfer the term from one culture to another without any regard for its characteristics that it acquired from the original cultural environment in which it originated and was formed, and without also taking into account the characteristics of the culture in which it is intended to be used.

B- The second matter is related to a group of different theoretical challenges in the fields in which it was used, and these differences are due to the theoretical starting points of these perceptions and their epistemological backgrounds.

Sarah Mills: The Concept of Discourse in Contemporary Literary and Linguistic Studies, translated by Issam Kamel Khalaf, Cairo. Dar Farha for publication and distribution. 2003 AD, p. 37, and see in the same meaning: Nouria Saleh Fawzi, “Theatrical Discourse in Literary Criticism,” Fosoul Magazine 1997 AD, Vol. 16, P. 3, p. 189.