The role of businessmen's associations in the economic empowerment of young people with job opportunities


Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University


       The study aimed at achieving the main objective of: To identify the role of business associations and to reveal their contribution to the development of knowledge and skills and change the attitudes of young people and thus enable them economically from the labor market, In the light of a field study of a model of these associations, the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development. In this sense, the study on the effect that basic hypothesis: that the business associations have contributed to the empowerment of youth employment. The researcher developed this hypothesis from the premise that the training programs and activities for youth-oriented Association that will help them develop their abilities, and refine their skills, and the evolution of behavior, and adjust their attitudes. The researcher developed this hypothesis in light of the arguments theory to the entrance of economic empowerment and capacity Building, and which promotes the empowerment of youth from acquiring the elements of economic and social power, this as well as the creation of an economic and social context favorable to participate in the labor market, which depends on the development of skills and abilities youth. The choice fell on the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development to be a model for the Business Association; the study relied on the withdrawal of intentional sample of youth beneficiaries of the activities and programs of Association's 120 youths reached. The results of the study on the contribution of the business association in the economic empowerment of youth employment opportunities through a three-dimensional approach, focused on the knowledge, skills, and development trends. In light of the findings of the study, the study provided a conceptual model for the process of economic empowerment pursued by Sawiris Foundation.

Main Subjects