On a Strategy of chinese Linguistic & Translation studies from the perspective of Sino-Arabic cultural characteristics


Ain-Shams University, Al-Alsun, Chinese language department, Abbasya, Cairo.


This paper presents a new perspective for building a theoretical basis for a strategy of linguistic and translation theory, to the arabic scholars and translators. A theory which derives its main visions and contents from the characteristcs of Sino-Arabic cultural traditions, with a view on rerranging the research field, in this category of theoretical studies, to include a new trend in Linguistic and traslation activities, instigating a developed narrative that would substitute the old set of ideas included in "Postcolonial transltion theories". The tranditional wealth of the Great Orient, which includes Arabia and china, will serve as a common reservoir that has shaped a long lasting fund for traditional evaluation system, and an everlasting criteria that works as a great common denominator of public sense in the Sino-Arabic mutual context of hisorical relations.