The verb in Arabic: the linguistic placement and Semantic


Department of Arabic Language - United Arab Emirates University


The two sides of the linguistic placement and Semantic of the most precise areas of linguistic research; they determine the words use, and have a prominent role in the division of speech, which is considered always as the cornerstone of the lesson of language. The most distinguishing characteristic of this division is the classification of verbal patterns according to their characteristics. Each of these sections is different from the other by means of identifying the semantic elements, and the composition of the verbal patterns. We can't go beyond the placement semantics in this patterns classifying process in which verb is seen as crucial. This research presents in inductive and descriptive approach this issue, and shows the detailed elements in the placement of verb, guided by the approach aware of the linguistic placement. The importance of this research comes from the fact that it studies the semantic of the verb using methodology of the linguistic placement, and this provides a speculative insight in the field of verb in Arabic; to be added to the efforts of the semantics. It also shows the semantic of the verb and its tenses theory in the thought of the Arab scholars the orientalists.

Main Subjects