
Université Française d'Égypte


Entrepreneurship education has found significant interest recently. It has moved from a specialized field mainly related to business, to a domain that supports students in developing their independence and self-confidence. This paper explores the possibility of integrating Entrepreneurship education in an English for Special purposes (ESP) course. It investigates the effectiveness of theoretical and practical courses in promoting students’ entrepreneurial alertness along with improving their English Language skills. There is no agreement, over Entrepreneurship Education, should it be through the incubators or through the educational system? The current paper presents an English language course that is specially designed for Entrepreneurship Education by transferring Entrepreneurship Education to English for Special Purposes (ESP) (considering the classroom as an incubator). The research gears ESP methodology to Entrepreneurship Education. Entrepreneurial learning develops students’ skills in terms of innovation, problem solving, risk management and adaptability. It also plays an important role in mindset transformation, as it embraces uncertainty and views failures as learning opportunities. This in addition to real world application that the students gain from the course bridges the gap between theory of the language and its practice in real life situations. The course ventures at creating work opportunities, and stimulating innovation, which eventually leads to a positive social impact. Findings suggested that due to the evolving nature of work and social changes, more emphasis needs to be placed on the development of entrepreneurial skills sets, and that education must change to meet those demands through any educational venue.


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