Aspectos de la equivalencia idiomática entre el árabe egipcio y el español en las locuciones que contienen el lexema mano


Departamento de español, Facultad de Al-Alsun, Universidad de Suhag, Suhag, Egipto


This research is a part of the study of Arabic and Spanish locutions that contain the lexeme mano in its lexical structure. The locutions are considered a part of phraseological units. The feature of fixity is the main characteristic of these units in which both the order and the grammatical category of its constituents are invariable. The objective of this paper is to search for the possible equivalents of each locution in the other language by analyzing the idiomatic equivalence relationships between Arabic and Spanish. Occasionally, these locutions represent a major challenge when it comes to transmitting them from a language to another one. The study allows us to verify that some locutions in Arabic have functional equivalents in Spanish and vice versa. These equivalents are full or partial. In other cases, we must explain the expression to reflect the same meaning in the other language since the equivalence between Arabic and Spanish - in this case - will be zero.
Keywords: phraseology, locution, idiomatic equivalent, total equivalence, partial equivalence, null equivalence


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