The Mongols of Persia were influenced by Islamic civilization During the period (681 AH / 1282 AD: 736 AH; 1335 AD)

Document Type : Original Article


The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training -Education college-social studies.


Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger, as a mercy to the worlds, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and after...
The wonders of time do not end, and most of them are what happened in that great calamity and calamity, the invasion of the lands of Islam and Muslims by the Mongols or Tatars, and how that ordeal turned into a blessing when these savages who loved to shed blood and cut off lineage entered into the greatest supporter of God’s religion and His true law.
The Tatars left Central Asia after the death of the first founder, Genghis Khan, who, before he died, had divided his vast empire among his children. His eldest son, Jogi, or Doshi Khan, received the western part of his empire, which included Russia and Blonda, and he gave his second son, Chagatai, or Chagatai, Central Asia, and China was The share of his son was Ogtay or Akdai, and Persia was given to his son Tolui or Tolui, and each of them founded a family that ruled the region that was his share.


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