"Linguistic Euphemism in Arabic and Chinese: A Contrastive Study Using Death as a Case Model"


1 yarmouk univ.

2 Yarmouk Yuniversity


Linguistic Euphemism in Arabic and Chinese: A Contrastive Study Using Death as a Case Model"

This study aims to elucidate the concept of linguistic euphemism while succinctly highlighting the underlying motivations present in both the Arabic and Chinese languages. It sheds light on the linguistic phenomenon's impact within the realms of psychology, religion, culture, and society, considering such euphemism as a resultant effect of its influence in these domains. The study classifies linguistic euphemism in both languages through relevant fields of study and specialized lexicons dedicated to understanding euphemism between the two languages.

The significance of linguistic euphemism in analyzing the cultural relationships between Chinese and Arabic will be underscored by choosing the topic of death as a central model. This choice aims to unveil the linguistic characteristics distinguishing the expression of euphemism in each culture concerning death. It intends to analyze the phrases and terminologies employed in this context.
Comparison between the two languages will be conducted to understand how this linguistic phenomenon impacts the connotations of death in Arabic and Chinese. The focus will be on similarities and differences in how each culture approaches the concept of death and how euphemism manifests in the usage of these languages. The research seeks to broaden our understanding of linguistic and cultural interactions between diverse societies. Finally, the study will draw conclusions based on the most significant findings.
Keywords: Linguistic Euphemism, Arabic Language, Chinese Language, Contrastive Study"


Main Subjects