Argumentative Strategies in Political Debate Television debate LE PEN / MACRON on 20th of April 2022

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor-Faculty of Languages and Translation- French department Misr University for Technology and Sciences


The objective of this article is to identify the argumentative strategies used by Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron in their televised debate of April 20th, 2022, few days before the second round of the presidential elections. In this debate, each candidate presents his electoral program, his ideas, and his vision for the future of the country.
Our focus is to see what are the argumentative strategies that have succeeded in better positioning their author and have allowed him to build a positive ethical image favoring his victory.
We will identify the different elements of the situation of enunciation and try to find out their role in the discursive approach. We will also try to find the pragmatic effects of the strategies employed by the two candidates and see which ones might have brought the author faster to his goal.
We will rely on the work of Patrick Charaudeau concerning the enunciation scene (Charaudeau, 2015). We will also use Catherine Kerberat-Orrecchioni’s analysis of political debates; especially that of the previous five-year term of the same candidates (Kerberat-Orrecchioni, 2017). Similarly, we will use the contributions of Ruth Amossy (2010) and Dominique Maingueneau (2014) on the construction of the speaker's ethos and the impact of the speaker's ethical image on interlocutors.


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