The Unrestricted Object between Structural Syntactic Rules and Semantic Constraints in the light of Optimality Theory, Models of "Irtishāf Aḍ-ḍarab min Lisān Al-‘Arab" by Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi


1 Doctoral Researcher- Arabic Language Department/ Yarmouk University- Irbid/ Jordan

2 Yarmouk University-IRbid- Jordan- Faculty of Arts


This research aims to study linguistic performance of The Unrestricted Object, and direct it in the light of Optimality Theory to encompass odd uses deflected from the structural restrictions and standard grammatical rules based on Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi’s work “Irtishāf Aḍ-ḍarab min Lisān Al-‘Arab”. The problem addressed by the research was that the rules set up by grammarians for tuning linguistic performance has proved historically and pragmatically that they are penetrable by eccentric uses of indigenous Arabs within a time frame of established eloquence.
The nature of the research necessitated adopting the analytical descriptive method by screening the linguistic performances at the level of structure, demonstrating inherent ruling, as well as providing examples of eccentric uses that deflected from the standard use under Linguistic Usage Optimality. The research concluded with a number of results, most importantly is that the language productions made by native-speakers were ruleless; and the grammarians used to subject such language productions to interpretation and construe that resulted in multiple ramified subrules and eccentric uses as well, and that Optimality Theory has the potential to subdue both the standard and rulerless types of language productions. This research suggested recommendations, most importantly is that the language uses assessed by classical grammarians differently on the ground that they were ruleless, and to treat them, instead, under the modern linguistic theories, particularly Optimality Theory, and also to reconsider the educational grammar, so that to include the indigenous Arab uses under strict educational rules.


Main Subjects