Referential Basis of Recognition in "Al-Ens͕af fi Masail Al Khilaf" by Abu Al-Barakat Al-Anbari


1 Doctoral Researcher-Arabic Language Department/Yarmouk University/ Irbid- Jordan

2 Yarmouk University-IRbid- Jordan- Faculty of Arts


The present study discusses one of argumentation issues from Abu Al-Barakat Al-Anbari’s work "Al-Ens͕af fi Masail Al Khilaf". recognition, unrecognition, and conditional recognition in order to identify the references on which based Al-Anbari’s reasoning; given his encyclopedic knowledge and being one of the renowned scholars who contributed to grammatical fundamentals and debatable issues. A glance to his work reveals that he used concepts of recognition, unrecognition, and conditional recognition in his argumentation with debaters. By recognition, he builds on opponent’s resignation the inference used to object his opinion and shows weaknesses, flaws, and fallacies.
For Al-Anbari who used to advocate specific notion, or perspective of group of scholars, the object was to compel opponent on his view by persuasion, in that a debater would accept the common premises held by the public.
The study concluded that the referential points of recognition emanate from common grounds of debaters, while conditional recognition is contingent on a condition that entails a minor premise that leads to negation. When opponent supports his view with evidential argument, the counter-debater would be in no position but to accept the logical argument. This so because the opponent accepts some common grounds. The logical reference of various forms of recognition for Abu Barakat is attributed to objection of the grammatical fundamentals that are based on hearing accompanied origin. The study recommends conduct further studies weighing works focused on the grammatical debatable issues to identify the logical reference of different language schools away from the one-eyed view of Al-Anbari


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