Assessment of the residential living conditions of Palestinian refugees


1 yarmouk university

2 yarmouk university, Irbid, Jordan


More than two million registered refugees live in Jordan, most of whom are distributed in thirteen refugee camps that were established in the late 1960s after the Arab-Israeli conflict as a result of the 1948 and 1967 wars. Many of these camps are characterized by poor living conditions and associated health, social and environmental problems. However, there is little empirical evidence regarding the quality of housing in these camps. The residential dimension is one of the main issues affecting the quality of life. This paper addresses this gap by analyzing the results of a questionnaire that included 203 families in the Irbid camp in the Al Awda neighborhood, the most famous camp in the city of Irbid. The data extracted from the field survey was analyzed using the descriptive statistical approach. The results show that housing in the camp is generally substandard. Poor condition of houses and infrastructure are major problems. The current field study has reached many results and conclusions that are extremely important regarding the conditions of Palestinian refugees in the Irbid camp. Housing indicators that reflect quality of life can be evaluated by applying indicators of housing quality, quality of the residential environment, and indicators of housing cost burdens. The concept of housing conditions is very broad and includes both the physical features of housing and satisfaction with housing


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