The Hanbalite women and her role in the intellectual renaissance in Damascus in the Ayubian period (570 AH /1174 CE -648 AH / 1250 CE)


Islamic history. Faculty of human studies. AL-Azhar university.


This research dealt with the study of the scientific and educational contributions of the Hanbalite women and explains her role in the intellectual renaissance in Damascus during the Ayubian period, that period, which witnessed remarkable scientific activity because of the encouragement of the Sultans and Khatoun of the Ayubian of science and their care for scientists and interest in spreading Sunni doctrines, including the Hanbali school, the research highlights the role played by the Hanbalite woman to scientific participation and achievement demonstrate the prominent scientific position recognized by the skilled from contemporary biographers In their books of biographies and classes, as they recognized her scientific honesty, goodness, and her piety, This study is based on the collection of scientific material from its primary sources, which is represented in the Hanbalite biographies, as it relied heavily on primary sources, then analyzed and classified them in the light of historical data. The nature of this study necessitated dividing it into an introduction, a preface, and three main sections, as follows: The first sections: the factors that prompted Hanbalite women to scientific activity, The second sections: the efforts of Hanbalite women and their contributions to the intellectual renaissance, The third sections: Waqf on Hanbali Scientific Establtshments, and the research ended with a conclusion that included the results.


Main Subjects