Post-Covid-19 Cities Towards a future vision for Egyptian cities

Document Type : Original Article


Sociology, Faculty of Arts, (Cairo University), Giza, Egypt


Cities are among the urban communities most facing the attacks of epidemiological activity in the global community, which leaves many negative effects on all aspects of life within the city, so it was important to monitor a vision for cities that could be designed following the epidemic situation of (Covid 19), in addition to To know the foundations through which the efficiency of existing cities and traditional neighborhoods can be raised to confront future epidemics in a way that allows cities to play their roles towards their residents, by seeking the opinions of experts and planners within the various sectors of countries. This study concluded with the need to preserve the principle of social justice in the planning dimensions of public facilities and services, in addition to paying attention to the factors that contribute to reducing carbon emissions within the city, and paying attention to green spaces and contributing to raising the per capita share of them. The structure of the entertainment sector also plays a major role in preserving the psychological state of the population, so the importance of building cities that accommodate high population densities came in light of the possibility of successive epidemics in the city. Here, the study gives importance to smart cities, green cities, and nature-based cities


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