The unreal Interrogation in "Electra" Sophocles according to Situational Context Theory.


Departement of greek and latin studies, faculty of arts, cairo university


This paper aims to extract the unreal interrogation in "Electra" Sophocles according to situational context theory, which affirms that the lexical meaning is not everything in understanding the meaning of speech, as there are non-linguistic elements that interfere in defining Meaning. The interrogation is classified into two types: 1- a real interrogation by which the questioner seeks to know what he is ignorant of, 2- unreal interrogation, which is what modern linguists call the indicative interrogation, formulated in an interrogative style, in which the questioner is aware of what he is asking about. And has a meaning from the metaphorical meanings that the recipient understands from the linguistic context, and these metaphorical meanings are rich and varied that accommodate various forms of thought, so the interrogative form can to be inquisitive in a particular context, and to be informative in another context. When examining the linguistic structures in which the unreal interrogation mentioned in "Electra" Sophocles, and analyzing its deep structure, I found a variety of linguistic indications that the unreal interrogation benefited from, I relied in this paper on the theory of the context through the semantic approach based on description, analysis and application.
The source study of "Electra" Sophocles extracted (113) witnesses for unreal interrogation. I have classified those into (19) chapters, and each of these chapters represents a certain type of the main semantic statements, which in turn include sub-semantic statements according to the context in which the unreal interrogative form is mentioned.


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