Documents of Teaching License Certificates at Al-Azhar in (1881-1901)an archival and diplomatic study


Librarianship, Archives and Information Technology Department Faculty of Arts Cairo University Egypt


This paper is a study of original unique Arabic documents preserved in the National Archives of Egypt. This paper tackles the documents of the Teaching at AL-Azhar in (1881-1901). These documents have not been studied nor published before in diplomatics.

The researcher applied the historical documentary methodology, in this study, by analyzing and criticizing these documents to induct and deduct new fact. This paper begins with a brief introduction about the main subject. its objectives, methodology; and a short historical introduction based on documents data with its historical references. The archival study provided a new introduction to the documents of the study, its storage place, and its classification; with a detailed demonstration of its objective contents; in addition to a concise descriptive archival card for each document according to ISAD.

The researcher published, transcribed and copyedited the documents according to standard rules of publishing Arabic documents; in addition to providing a clear definition and authentication of its most important terms.


Main Subjects