the Verb "to be" and the Nature of Being according to Parmenides and Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi

Document Type : Original Article


Philosophy Department, Faculty of Arts,, Kuwait University, Kuwait



 This paper investigates the possible role of the verb ‘to be’ in the process of constructing the metaphysical system of Parmenides and that of Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi (known as Mulla Sadra). The investigation begins with a preliminary observation of the different uses of the verb ‘to be' and their philosophical and logical significance. Afterward, I investigate the content of the basic premises of Parmenides’ argument regarding the true nature of being in light of the former classification of the uses of the verb ‘to be’ and whether these premises were affected by a certain use of that verb. Then, I critically investigate Mulla Sadra’s understanding of the nature of being mediated by Alfarabi’s remarks regarding the verb ‘to be’ and its proper translation into Arabic, and Avicenna’s employment of the notion of being and its ontological connotation. The investigation ends with the conclusion that supports the idea of the presence of a significant role of the verb ‘to be’ in the metaphysical system of Parmenides and that of Mulla Sadra. The study relies on the analytical and critical methodology.


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