Semiotisation of émotion in No et moi by Delphine De Vigan : explicit - implicit

Document Type : Original Article


French department,,- faculty of letters, -South Valley University - Quena -Egypt


This research strives to semiotically analyse three basic emotions : anger, fear, sadness in No et moi by Delphine De Vigan. Indeed, in this nouvel, the emotionel meaning oscillantes between two modes : the explicit, which is clearly expressed and the implicit, which is indirectly expressed. For this reason, this oscillation between the explicit and the implicit is the objective of this work. Thus, on the one hand, we seek to elucidate the explicit vocabulaire of these three emotions within the framework of what we call the so - called or explicit emotion. On the other hand, we aim to highlight how these three emotions are implicitly semiotized by taking into account the context or the narration having an emotional orientation without the use of a vocabulary specific to these three emotions. Finally, we focus on psychophysiological disorders, bodily expressions (facial and vocal) of these emotions as well as gestures as linguistic tools to construct emotional meaning and as a characteristic way to semiotize an intense, string and realistic émotion in No et moi.


Main Subjects