The imperative sentence between Arabic and Urdu: The translation of Al-Jawkulnakarhi is an example of the Holy Qur’an (contrastive descriptive study)


Department of Oriental Language Faculity of Arts


 This research paper discuss " Request construction sentence" patterns in the Arabic language, contrasting it with " Request construction sentence" in the Urdu language and explaining it in detail, knowing the most important grammatical functions that it performs and the ways of using it in the Urdu language and explaining them in detail, As well as explaining the most important points of similarity and difference between the two languages under study, based on the foundations of the contrastive approach by applying the urdu translation of the meanings of "The Holy Quran " by  "the Junakerhi "adopted by the King Fahd Complex, and the research has been divided into third topics:
The first topic: " Request construction sentence" in the Arabic language, the second topic: " Request construction sentence" in the Urdu language, the third topic:similarities and differences between"Request construction sentence"  in the Arabic language and the Urdu language.


Main Subjects