Arabic Studies by Chinese Scholars the case of doctoral thesis descriptive study

Document Type : Original Article


Art faculty, Cairo university, Giza,


Across the world to this day, more than fifty universities and colleges in China have established independent departments or faculties to teach Arabic. Where specialists in the Arabic language teach it, and at the same time they are dedicated to the academic study of the Arabic language and its related. They have introduced Arabic language teaching courses, and massive Arabic literature has been translated into Chinese and vice versa. General dictionaries for the Arabic and Chinese languages, as well as special dictionaries, have been written. There is no doubt that doctoral dissertations are an important part of the products of Chinese researchers' efforts in the Arabic language. They represent the highest ability in scientific research and reflect the trend of development in the study of the Arabic language. Since 1992, the number of doctoral dissertations has reached more than 70, and they include various topics, including linguistic, literary, cultural, religious, etc. In this research, the researcher will choose seven models from this large number of scientific research theses at the doctoral level, which include theses in different fields and from multiple periods. This study shows the comprehensiveness of Arabic studies by Chinese scholars, and at the same time, clarifies the direction of their studies in the Arabic language and its related fields.


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