Persuader ou manipuler dans le discours politique

Document Type : Original Article


جامعة القاهرة کلية الاداب قسم اللغة الفرنسية


Discourse analysis studies are among the most prominent and important contemporary studies. Where this field represents many of the strategies adopted by the speaker to reveal the linguistic practices and the various methods used to influence, persuade, and manipulate others. It is a social practice that allows the speaker to show many ideas and opinions in order to reach the real goal behind their speech, and the speaker tries to influence the recipient through some linguistic methods to grasp what lies behind the speech. Language in our social life is a tool for communication between individuals, but in political life, its function goes beyond “saying” or “describe the world” and facts, as it is considered the main means of persuasion in political discourse. It is also considered a tool of deception, deceit, lying, concealing facts, or manipulating the recipient. In times of crisis, political discourse plays an essential role in calming tensions or provoking controversy. The war between Russia and Ukraine is one of the main topics that arouse researchers' passion today to highlight the many linguistic techniques used to influence, persuade, or manipulate the audience.


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