Aesthetic Qualities in Ibn Mleek Alhamwi Poems


Researcher in the Arabic language


This research seeks to study the artistic structure of Sheikh Alaeddin's poem, Abu Al-Hassan, Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Maleek Al-Hamwi Al-Dimashqi Al-Fuqa’i Al-Hanafi, known by 'Ibn Malik Al-Hamwi (480–917 AH)'. The study is based on four topics: The first topic is discussed in Ibn Malik's poetic language, which carefully studies the words are used and correlates them with their meanings. The second topic is talked about the images that he painted. The third topic is rhythm, both the external rhythm like rhymes and meters and the internal rhythm like alliteration and anaphora, so he started with accounting the meters and explained the absence of them; while the second part of this research came to deal with the rhyme in his collection, by counting the rhyming letters and linking them to the appropriate meanings of their sounds , then he focused on the internal rhythm, and how the poem benefits musically from its rhythm. The final part of the study focused on the artistic structure of the poem in his poetry. It examined the coherence and unity of its parts, his method of creating introductions, and the extent to which these introductions align with his poetic purposes. It also looked at his method of getting rid of the introductions and transitioning to his desired poetic purposes. The study concluded with a summary of the most important findings.


Main Subjects