The Ethiopic Text "Praise of Mary” [Wəddase Maryam] A Study in content and form


كلية الآداب- جامعة القاهرة- الجيزة


The purpose of this paper is to display the content of Ethiopic Text "Praise of Mary", as well as explaining its literary and linguistic features, and revealing his poetic speech and artistic characteristics.
The Ethiopic Text is a necessary component of the literary, liturgical, religious and social status among Ethiopians. It is an obligatory part of the Ethiopian Church Teaching. The paper also discusses that Ethiopic Text derived from the Coptic literary heritage.
Hence the importance of choosing this subject; To highlight the study of the Ethiopian text, and to show its literary, historical, religious and social status related to the life of Ethiopians and their rituals to this day. The paper has four sections, after the abstract and the Introduction. The first section (The Ethiopic Virgin Literature). The second section (the definition of Ethiopic Text "Praise of Mary"). The third section (the content of Ethiopic Text "Praise of Mary”). Finally, The fourth section (The form of The Ethiopic Text, through the definition of the Poetry of Al- Malka, its most prominent linguistic features in the text, the repetition, and the musical structure in the text. Finally, the similarities and differences between ("Praise of Mary" and the Coptic Theotokia, Then the search results conclusion, and a references and sources.


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