Greek Origins in Annazzam's Immanence Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Department of philosophy /Faculty of Arts/ Arish university


This study deals with the Greek origins in Annazzam's immanence theory that is a form of the creation of the world known to Islamic thought. Annazzam is considered the most prominent thinker with whom this theory is associated, being pivotal to his divine, natural, and human thought. In other words, the paper is an attempt to examine Annazzam's immanence theory to the extent that shows its Greek origins.
The paper tackles three main elements, first: Annazzam's immanence and divinities (the influence of Aristotle's theory of potentiality and actuality),second: Annazzam's immanence and naturalism (the influence of the Stoics' view of the absolute overlap), third: Annazzam's immanence in human matters (the influence of Greek philosophers such as Democritus, Epicurus and Plato). The study concludes that there are Greek origins for Annazzam's Immanence theory--Annazzam benefitted from Greek philosophy, but he engrained his thought differently--which shows that immanence is closely related to monotheism.


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