Linguistic tolerance in Arab and Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities Faculty of Arts and Humanities Head of the Arabic Language Department


There is no doubt that the Arabic & Islamic civilization has known linguistic diversity through openness to the other, which has resulted in the establishment of a sophisticated civilized dialogue, one of which was translation and transmission. This was evident during the 4th and 5th centuries AH, when scholars exerted all their energies and strived to transfer science and translate concepts from several languages into Arabic, and this was followed by scientific creativity and cognitive distinction in various sciences, knowledge and arts.
This openness is falls within an intellectual and religious system that makes the linguistic diversity and the difference of languages one of the cosmic signs, and linguistic tolerance a human appearance, where every messenger sent by God to his people with their languages. To achieve one of the most important mission and communicative functions, which is the demonstration function.
In this regard, this research falls, which attempts -through a descriptive and analytical approach -to elucidate the manifestations of linguistic tolerance through the following three points:
1st: Linguistic tolerance in the Qur’an: by highlighting examples of several discursive situations, the most important of which are between the prophets and their people. All of them aim to achieve the demonstration function, and highlight the extent of fraternal bonding between them.
2nd: Linguistic tolerance in the position of Prophet Muhammad and the position of his companions on the multilingualism.


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