Terminology: an essential component of the description of the media event

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Applied Languages, Université Française d'Egypte, Shorouq City, Egypt


The media are, nowadays, an essential vector in societies. They are considered as a sector of activity in terminology, since they touch a professional field involving both the specialists (here, the journalists) and the consumers, namely the recipients of the media content. This nature of the media requires the use of the phenomenon of vulgarization in order to ensure good professional communication. The present research will focus on the online press.
Even though the press belongs to the common language, it uses very specific and technical terminology, as soon as it is a description of a specialized event requiring the use of this terminology.
In this article, the subject field will be presented, namely the press in its different types. The pre-editorial terminology dimension in the Egyptian press will be studied, while analyzing the issues taken into consideration in the choice of terms describing the event. To do so, the terminology used by the press will be analyzed through media materials related to a current topic, namely the COP 27. From this analysis based on examples from the press, the prerequisites of terminological description of the event will be the subject of recommendations in the conclusion of this research.


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