Ibn Rushd's position of Al-Ghazali in the matter Resurrected and crammed bodies

Document Type : Original Article


This research discusses Ibn Rushd's position on the issue of resurrection and cramming bodies, where he responded to the incoherence of the philosophers of Al-Ghazali, in which he invalidated the philosophers' denial of the resurrection of bodies and the return of souls to the bodies, Paradise, Hell and all that Allah promised in the hereafter. Ibn Rushd excelled in his response to the philosophers and excelled in invalidating the evidence of the deniers of the resurrection and cramming the bodies of philosophers and others, but he expected them to object to the hypothesis that they may object, so he answers them. Ibn Rushd said that the philosophers do not deny the resurrection and cramming of bodies and there is nothing in their writings that indicates this, especially the philosophers who through them we understand what is philosophy during the past thousand years.
This if it indicates that the origin of the dispute between Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd, is that the rule of Al-Ghazali on the philosophers has been restricted to what was reported from Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina, as Al-Ghazali, especially Ibn Sina, made them representatives of philosophy and ancient philosophers as Ibn Rushd saying that they have these myths, and quoting them from the ancient philosophers is unreliable and sometimes incorrect because they contradict the origins of the ancient philosophers and the wise
Therefore, the sciences Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina were hypothetical in what they quoted from the ancient


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