Thema of trees at narration of (Nar Al Markh) to Awadh Shaher Al Aseemi


King Faisal University, College of Arts, Department of Arabic Language


Thema of trees at narration of (Nar Al Markh) to Awadh Shaher Al Aseemi


This study identifies Thema of trees at narration of (Nar Al Markh) to Saudi narrator Awadh Shaher Al Aseemi, it is an axis thema penetrates the narrative world of narration vertically and horizontally, which weighted the possibility to apply this prominent tree attendance in quality and quantity.

This study used the subjective approach relied at the constructive approach, to discuss the thema of trees at narration of (Nar Al Markh), followed by its attendance starting from title, and passing to titles of some chapters, and reached to the context. As well as the research consisted of study topics according to the triple construction: the first topic monitors (the field of trees) through the external title and internal titles, and collection words of dictionary of trees, and identification the plant tree culture at the context. The second topic dealt with (the coding of trees), while found it diversity in three big codes: tree/ man, tree/shelter, and tree/ memory. But the third topic discusses (tree description) and highlights the descriptive topics which led tree as a subject of technical engineering description and beauty scene of poet, and finally it is ended by an automatically descriptive discussion into two sides the analogy and metaphor. The research was concluded by a conclusion included important results.

Key words: Thema, Nar Al Markh, trees, field, coding, description


Main Subjects