Abu Ma`shar Al-Sindi and his Missing Book, Al-Maghazi

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Social Sciences - College of Arts and Humanities Taibah University


Abu Ma`shar Al-Sindi and his Missing Book, Al-Maghazi

Dr. Abeer Bint Hussein Al-Tuwaiher
Department of Social Sciences - College of Arts and Humanities
Taibah University


This study deals with Abu Ma’shar Al-Sindi and his missing book Al-Maghazi, and deals with the life of Abu Ma'shar Al-Sindi, his name and lineage, his birth, then his relationship with the Abbasid state and his death.
The study also deals with the most prominent scientific life, his most prominent books, his sheikhs and students, as we mentioned his scientific status, in addition to his written works, and his book Al-Maghazi. The study also mentioned the most prominent novels that dealt with the biography of the Prophet, (PBUH), and then we dealt with his scientific approach in Al-Maghazi, and its impact on scientists after him.
The study was divided into two sections, in the first section was about Abu Ma’shar
Al-Sindi's personal life and touched on the name of Abu Ma'shar, his lineage, his birth, his relationship with the Abbasid state, and his death. The second section was about his scientific life, in which it dealt with the scientific life of Abu Ma’shar Al-Sindi scientific and dealt with his writings, sheikhs, students, scientific status, his book in Al-Maghazi, his approach in this book and its effect on followers.
Keywords: biography, Abu Ma’shar, Al-Maghazi, approach


Main Subjects