The Damages of Hair at Ibn Asfour - Between Theory and Practice

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Arabic Language and Literature College of Basic Education - The Public Authority for Applied Education and Teaching


This research is considered a continuation of a journey that the researcher started at the doctoral stage to deal with the explanations of the evidences of the book (Al-Evidh) by Abu Ali Al-Farsi. This research distinguishes that it is not based on the book of clarification, but on the linguistic thought of one of the most important commentators of its evidence: Ibn Asfour, on an issue whose field is poetic evidence, and I mean (poetic necessity).When talking about the topic of poetic necessity, Ibn Asfour is a distinguished example in it, as he dealt with this issue theoretically in his book (Dhar’iyyat al-Sha’ar), as he dealt with it applied while explaining the evidences of clarification in his book (The Key), as the number of places he counted from There are more than sixty females of poetry, and perhaps this is the main reason for the researcher choosing this topic, in addition to the great scientific status of Ibn Asfour, and the importance of the topic in the field of linguistic studies.
In his study, the researcher sought to trace the points that Ibn Asfour considered as necessary in his book (The Key) in particular, and in his other books in general, in order to try to balance between what he decided in the case of theorizing in his book (Dairies of Poetry), and what he mentioned when applying it to the poetic evidence in those The books, in an attempt to reach a comprehensive view of Ibn Asfour


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