Narration multiplicity in Pre-Islamic Poetry between semantics and authenticity: the nuniyya poem of al-Muthaqqib al-Abdi as a study case.


1 Associate Professor - Arabic Language Department, Yarmouk University – Jordan

2 Yarmouk University

3 Yarmouk University - Faculty of Arts - Department of Arabic Language - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Irbid.


Narration multiplicity in Pre-Islamic Poetry between semantics and authenticity: the nuniyya poem of al-Muthaqqib al-Abdi as a study case
This article deals with the state of the multiplicity of accounts regarding the language of a number of verses in the nuniyya of al-Muthaqqib al-Abdi. It adopts an approach that combines the descriptive, analytical and statistical methods. The article focused on the causes of this multiplicity, then it noted that most of the narrations of the verses in the nuniyya are just variations that are close in their meanings or artistic values. However, some narrations carry additional striking connotations. In its presentation of these narrations, the article was concerned in making comparisons between the different accounts of every verse, in terms of meaning and level of authenticity. The article has shown that many of the related accounts lack the necessary reliability. Still, they are of particular importance as they bear cultural influences.>>>>>>>>>>>>


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