Mechanics of polyphony in Mécaniques du chaos: Study of pragmatic functions of language contact

Document Type : Original Article


French department, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Beni-Suef university


Abstract: This study focuses on aspects of polyphony in the French novel Mécaniques du chaos (2017) written by Daniel Rondeau. This linguistic phenomenon refers to combination of various voices in same sentence. These voices emerge from enunciate utterances of which the responsibility is taken by narrator and persons of the history. We tend to focus on pragmatic functions of language contact in this literary enunciation, and in particular, those which produce the polyphony. Language contact is happened by two ways: intertextuality and non-coincidence of discourse. We then detail the subsequent layers of discursive movements that consist of narrative and direct discourse. The analysis tries to point out different ways of duplicate voice. In narrative, couples of foreign and autochthone words are introduced in certain passages, and in the others, foreign words substitute. The code of direct discourse explains existing cleavage between speaker and enunciator, and this cleavage produces simultaneous voices.


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